- Novalac
- Research & Development
- Clinical trials and studies
- Regurgitations
Dupont C, Vandenplas Y; SONAR Study Group
Regurgitation is a common physiological phenomenon in infants. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of a new anti-regurgitation (AR) formula (Novalac), thickened with an innovative complex including fibres, on the daily number of regurgitations and to assess its impact on stool consistency and frequency.
Vandenplas Y, Leluyer B, Cazaubiel M, Housez B, Bocquet A
Many mothers consult physicians because of frequent infant regurgitation. Guidelines recommend reassurance and dietary treatment as first approaches. The aim of the present study was to test and compare the efficacy of 2 antiregurgitation formulae (ARF).
Infante Pina D, Badia Llach X, Ariño-Armengol B, Villegas Iglesias V
The aim is to assess the prevalence of mild gastrointestinal disorders in milk-fed infants in paediatric practice, and to evaluate the effectiveness and satisfaction with dietetic treatment.
Vandenplas Y, Devreker T, Hauser B
Infant regurgitation and distress are common but are a major cause of parental anxiousness. The efficacy of dietary management is contradictory.
Chao HC, Vandenplas Y
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a specially selected cornstarch-supplemented formula on clinical symptoms, gastric emptying and weight gain in infants with regurgitation.
We performed a prospective randomised trial evaluating the therapeutic efficacy of two different formula feedings (cornstarch-thickened formula, group A; 25% strengthened formula, group B) in 81 young infants with regurgitation/vomiting > or = 3 times/day. A Tc-99 m milk scintigraphy was performed at inclusion and after 2 months to quantify gastric emptying time; all studied infants underwent a 2-month period of clinical follow-up evaluating regurgitation and body weight gain. At inclusion, group A and B had a similar age and weight (...).
Xinias I, Mouane N, Le Luyer B, Spiroglou K, Demertzidou V, Hauser B, Vandenplas Y
Infant regurgitation is a phenomenon causing worldwide parental distress and anxiety. Parental reassurance and dietary advices regarding feeding techniques and volumes are helpful in the management. Guidelines also recommend the use of thickened formula. However, the impact of thickened feeding on the frequency of acid reflux is still a matter of debate. Therefore, we evaluated the effect of a casein predominant formula thickened with a specifically selected and treated cornstarch on the frequency and duration of acid reflux episodes.