We only use essential and traffic cookies. We do not process any personal information through our cookies. We do not allow any third party to gather your data through our cookies from this website.
Essential cookies
These cookies enable core functionality such as security, website scripting language and accessibility. They enable us to provide you with access to this website and to keep your traffic cookies choice.
They are kept for 13 months.
These cookies cannot technically be disabled by United Pharmaceuticals since they are required for the operation of this website and its features.
You may disable these by changing your browser settings, but this may affect how this website functions.
Basically, please note that most of browsers are set up by default to accept cookies. For example, you may notice that your browser suggests personal information when you are about to fill in Novalac contact application form on this website. This suggested information does not come from Novalac but from cookies set up by your browser. If you want to oppose, you have to configure your browser.
This configuration depends on the browser you use, but it is generally easy to change its configuration by either activating the private navigation function or forbidding and/or restricting the tracers. Keep in mind that it is possible that some tracers might have been registered on your navigator before the configuration of your browser. In this case, erase your browser history by using the browser configuration.
To modify your choice, refer to the help menu or to your browser’s dedicated section.
This information is accessible via:
- Internet Explorer™
- Safari™
- Chrome™
- Firefox™
- Opera™
You can find more information on how disable it on: www.allaboutcookies.org
If you are EU resident, you can visit the following website: www.youronlinechoices.eu